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Surviving the First Week of School

The First Week of School Survival Toolbox!

The first few weeks of school are exciting and new; however, they also can be chaotic for everyone involved. There are schedules to learn, checklists to complete, endless paperwork, and a laundry list of to do’s that can seem overwhelming.  Here are some tips to use as a guide to get your family organized and have a smooth first week:

Back to Basics
– Even with technology the library remains a valuable resource to helping students be successful. Make sure your child’s library card is up to date!
– The classic dilemma, hot or cold? To pack or not pack? Lunch is important, review the school’s cafeteria plan to help determine which is best for your family.
– Provide nutritional snacks to help young minds stay alert and energized throughout the afternoon.

Home Sweet Home
– Prevent morning chaos but having a daily routine in place.  This will also keep everyone on time.
– Avoid distractions of the television and other media by setting up a centralized homework station that allows students to focus on their school work.
– Post each child’s class schedule and the school calendar where it is visible to everyone.

Forms, Forms, and More Forms, Dotting the I’s and Crossing the T’s
– Complete all required schools forms in a timely manner. Make certain health forms and immunizations are up to date.  Review the school policy regarding medicines.
– Family or work emergencies may require someone else picking up your child or seeing them at school. Be sure to check your school’s policy on visitors.
– One way to get involved is by volunteering in your child’s classroom, attending PTA, or helping with a fundraiser.  It is important to understand the policies about volunteering.  Some schools require volunteers to have a background clearance.

Oh the Places You’ll Go and How You Will Get There
– Should you need before or after school care there are a few good options.  Some schools offer after school programs, utilize the buddy system and arrange care with fellow parents or neighbors, or hire a responsible and fun caregiver which your kids will love!
– Making the decision to ride the bus, carpooling, or allowing your kids to drive themselves is never easy.  Learn drop off locations, bus stops, and bus schedules to help make an informed decision.  Arrange transportation to and from after school activities and sports.
– The sun is shining now, but cold weather is right around the corner. It is never too early to plan for two hour delays and snow days.  Have a backup plan in place in case of emergency.

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