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How to Prepare for Back to School

Tips on Preparing Your Family for a New School Year

Shorter autumn days lead to chaotic schedules filled with sports, activities, events, and other social obligations; and of course, the much anticipated first day of school.   The start of a new school year can be stressful and seem overwhelming for the entire family. Check out these tips to help ensure your family has a smooth shift from summer to school:

Re-establish School Routines.

School bells ring and so do early morning alarm clocks. While your family may want to bask in the luxury of late nights and sleeping in, it is recommended to implement school routines two weeks before school starts.  This allows time for adjusting to new sleep and wake up times. Use this time wisely to establish a nighttime and morning checklist.  Avoid late morning starts and clutter by using the launch pad method and give each of your family member a designated space for their personal belongings needed for school. Organization is key to surviving the back to school transition.

Got Technology?

Technology is always evolving and changing.  The start of a school year is a great time to think about introducing new technology or upgrading to the latest gadget.  This could mean getting your little one an ipad, a middle schooler a cell phone, or a high schooler a new laptop.  Giving more freedom with these devices is a big responsibility and not to be taken lightly, but can be useful in furthering knowledge and education.  Be sure to check your school policies and requirements.

Utilize Resources.

The last few years have seen a revolution in communication.  Schools have embraced these changes.  Gone are the days of phone trees and notes in book bags that never quite get home.  Today schools utilize emails, social media, and mass text messages to keep parents updated. Learn all the ways your school is keeping you informed.  Back to school night, open houses, and orientations are great ways to meet teachers and fellow parents who will be excellent resources in ensuring a great and successful year.

Embrace Change and Expand Your Horizons.

Another year older, another year wiser.  Nurture independence by increasing age appropriate responsibilities.   This could be keeping track of their homework, school shopping on their own, or picking out their own clothes.  Switching to a new school or moving up a grade level can seem scary, but can also be very exciting and adventurous. Your child will cherish the opportunity to join a new club or sport, partake in the process of choosing classes, and grow in their new environment.

And of course, don’t forget the pencils and paper!

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