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Best Ways for Students to Spend their Summer

Summer is an exciting time for kids and parents alike. The weather is hot, the pools are open and the beaches are populated with visitors. Summer is the time to canoe, BBQ outside, play mini-golf, build sand castles and work on your tan. However, given that summer vacation typically lasts a whole 3 months, high school juniors have the unique opportunity to try something new and learn how to face the pressures of life after high school. Here are some of the best ways for high school juniors to make the most out of their summer vacation:

(Don’t worry, we promise not to take the fun out of Summer)


Travel expands a persons horizons. Explore different cities, interact with unique cultures and learn more about diverse lifestyles. Open your mind to new ways of thinking and appreciate the finer things in life. Although travel may seem like something you can push off until a later point in time, the earlier you can engage in the adventures of travel the better. Traveling not only comes with ample personal benefits, but it gives you an upper hand in the professional world. Force yourself to leave your comfort zone and learn that you can still connect with people despite the many differences and culture barriers. It can be scary but once you embrace the discomfort you will grow into a more well-rounded and confident individual.

Develop Your Skills And Interests

Summer is a great time for high schoolers to try something they have never done before. Pick up a second language, teach yourself a new instrument or join a class or organization dedication to a cause you believe in. Challenge yourself to explore new interests and never underestimate your abilities. A good place to start is thinking about what topic partically interested you in school. Was it art? Theatre? Computer science? Whatever it may be, take the initiative to learn more and expand upon your skills. Thie is a great chancec to prove to yourself that learning truly can be fun if you are learning about something you are passionate about.

Work At Fun Flexible Jobs

There are a plethora of jobs only available in the summer, seeking people just like you. Aside from having some extra pocket cash, getting a part time job over the summer allows you to to gain some of your first real life work experience. It is the training ground for life after college where you are forced to interact with people of different backgrounds, learn how to hold yourself professionally and better understand your own strengths and weaknesses. Plus, you’ll be shocked at how fast that pocket money adds up. Still unsure of what to do with your summer? No fear! Tutor Troops is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about the courses we offer and how to ensure you are making the most out of your summer based on your specific interests.

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